Kingstone And Thruxton Primary School


Kingstone, Hereford, Herefordshire HR2 9HJ


The document below outlines what is taught in Year 3, in each subject, in each half term.

If you would like more information about our curriculum, please speak to your child's class teacher who will be happy to provide more information.
 Year 3 - 23-24.pdfDownload
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Welcome to the Year 3 Blog!

Welcome to Year 3!                                               

Please enjoy looking at the Year 3 class blog and following our  journey over the year. Our blog will be updated weekly to show a snapshot of what we have been up to that week.

Mr Bull



News of the Week

W/B: 29/04/2024

We have been super busy in Year 3 this week! We have been working on agility and making space in team sports during our PE lessons. This got very competitive and very exhausting but everyone was so good at making space and making effective gameplay decisions. We have also started looking at our new writing unit focused on the damage pollution can do to sea-life. We made some posters to get our heads focused on this topic. We were also lucky enough to have a visitor from Dentaid in to school to teach us all about the importance of looking after our teeth.

W/B: 22/04/2024

We have had such a lovely week in Year 3. We have dissected some flowers to identify the different parts that make up these flowers. We separated them into petals, sepals, anthers and more before we composted them. We also managed to get outside and start working on our passing skills in hockey and other invasion sports. We have some amazing team players in Year 3!

W/B: 15/04/2024

What a busy week! We have been brushing up on our dictionary skills. We worked together to check the meanings and spellings of several tricky words. We also started our programming learning on Scratch and had so much fun. We even managed to create multiple characters, or sprites, and control them all in different ways.

W/B: 08/04/2024

Year 3 had a busy and creative start back to school after their Easter break. We have been looking at perimeter in Maths and instruction writing in our English lessons. We have also had fun learning about the offensive and defensive principles involved in hockey and other invasion games. We got the chance to express ourselves in Art when we created collages to showcase the important things about ourselves and our lives. 

Spring 2

We had a very busy half-term that involved lots of hard work, fun and even a bit of dancing. We had such a fun time learning how to work together to devise and rehearse dances that showed the passing of time, the movement of the clock and different activities from our daily lives. We also had to work very carefully to use blotted line printing to create some Pop Art style pieces of printed art work. We had to decide on achievable designs and then work fast to transfer them over from our tracing paper before adding some flair and colour to them. 

W/B: 25/09/2023

We have been so busy this week. We have been working on our ability to unpick a text and find key facts and information. We have also been looking at practically representing numbers up to 999. We worked on this in teams and it was a lot of fun. We have also been looking at using different textures and tones in our sketching work and lots of us really enjoyed taking our time to experiment with different approaches when sketching a simple landscape.

W/B: 18/09/2023

We have had a great time in year 3 this week. We have been really enjoying our reading and enjoyed sharing our books with each other during our class book club. Lots of children in our brilliant class have put themselves forward to be part of our school parliament. Each of them had the opportunity to tell the class why they would represent their class well and we then voted. I can't wait to see who wins! We also spent our PE lesson focusing on finding space in team games. We played football, hockey, rugby and netball to develop this skill. 

W/B: 11/09/2023

We have been so busy this week. We have launched our learning in all of our subjects and the children have shown just how much they can remember from Year 2! Mrs Gemmell would be so proud of them, I know I am! In Science, we will be learning about the human body and started by learning the three main functions of the skeleton. We have also looked at finding patterns to do with hand size and height across our class. We found some brilliant exceptions to the general rule and discussed these at length.

W/B: 04/09/2023

What a great first week back! It was brilliant getting to see everyone reconnecting and having fun with their old friends and even making some new ones. We worked very hard this week and impressed Mr Bull with our fantastic attitude to learning. One of the highlights of the week was our Smarties Maths session. We were asked how much Maths can we get out of a box of Smarties. You'd be amazed at what we were able to come up with.