At Kingstone and Thruxton Primary School we follow the Herefordshire Agreed RE syllabus. This syllabus approaches core concepts and beliefs in religion in a coherant way, developing the children's understanding and their ability to handle questions of religion or belief. 

The approach of this curriculum has three core elements which underpin the aims of RE. Teaching in our classrooms encompasses all three elements, allowing for overlaps between elements as suits the religion, concept or question being explored. This diagram shows how the three elements in this teaching and learning approach reflect the aims of RE. 

The agreed syllabus requires that all pupils develop understanding of Christianity in each key stage. In addition, across the age range, pupils will develop understanding of the principal religions represented in the UK, in line with the law. These are Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism and Judaism. Furthermore, children from families where non-religious worldviews are held are represented in almost all of our classrooms. These worldviews, including for example Humanism, will also be the focus for study in thematic units.

The document below outlines the RE that will be taught in each year group, each half term. The second document is the Herefordshire agreed syllabus.
