Sports Premium Funding

PE and Sports at Kingstone and Thruxton Primary School 

The PE and Sports Premium is directed at enhancing participation and competition in PE and School Sport in order to develop a positive attitude towards leading a healthy lifestyle.

As a school, we believe that every child should leave the school equipped to enjoy sport for all its health and social benefits, and for those who relish the competitive element, they gain the skills, confidence and relevant experience to succeed at their suited and chosen level and discipline.

We often take part in inter and intra schools competitions and tournaments to give children opportunities to experience competition, performance and collaboration.

Sport and physical activity is used to encourage children’s leadership, individual initiative, social skills and team building skills. Children are also encouraged to participate in outdoor adventure; we organise a residential placement each year for Years 3 and 4 at an outdoor activity centre, and an outdoor adventure residential alternate years for Years 5 and 6. These experiences are designed to develop children’s independence and team building skills as well as to broaden their experiences. We work closely with Longtown Outdoor Learning Centre, visiting regularly, and facilitating additional extra-curricular sessions at this brilliant provision.

Each term the school offers a variety of after school clubs which cater for children from Reception to Year 6. We have a very good uptake for these clubs and are expanding this provision all the time!

For more information about how Kingstone and Thruxton Primary School use the PE and Sports Premium to enhance our provision, please see the documents below.