Maths Intentions

What does a  Maths lesson looks like in our school?

Whole class teaching

We teach maths to the class as a whole wherever possible. Focus groups are used for further development and specific teaching, especially where curriculum objectives from previous years need to be taught. Formative assessment provides an accurate starting point for all children and their current attainment for a specific mathematical concept.

Longer and deeper – In order to ensure that objectives are embedded securely, we use small steps criteria and plan for each lesson to cover one conceptual idea with opportunities to make connections across mathematical concepts where appropriate. To outsiders it may appear that the pace of the lesson is slower, but our aim is to ensure progress is enhanced and understanding is secure. Our assessment procedures recognise that the aims of the curriculum cannot be assessed through coverage (ticking objectives off a list) but through depth within a topic.

- Key learning points are identified during the planning process and the learning journey is evident on resources / working walls in the classroom. Plans made through the use of the NCTEM PD materials, children’s books and the flipcharts for the lesson, show progression. Teachers use planning time to ensure creative lessons, probing questioning opportunities and greater depth challenges are prepared. Precise mathematical vocabulary is modelled by the teacher so that the children can use these for their verbal reasoning and written explanations of conceptual understanding.

 Fluency – We recognise the importance of developing fluency in maths, so it is not just about remembering facts. Ultimately, we want our pupils to be confident in their explanations and reasoning in maths.

At Kingstone and Thruxton Primary School our philosophy is:

  •  A high standard of teacher subject knowledge and a clear understanding of the small steps needed to teach concepts.
  • High quality modelling and scaffolding of skills leading to a deep understanding of concepts and fluency of methods.
  • Children learning through exploring mathematical concepts and linking to real life situations where they are able to reason.
  • Cross-curricular links wherever possible.
  • Identify and challenge those children working at Greater Depth.