Year 3 Volcanic Eruptions!

31 Jan 2025
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This term, Year 3 have been learning all about volcanoes, building on our prior knowledge of earthquakes and tectonic plates. In Forest School, we brought our Geography learning to life by creating our own volcanic eruptions using bicarbonate of soda, vinegar, and red food colouring. We also constructed model volcanoes with a cut-away section to explore what they look like inside.

In English, we read Mt Kael Awakens, an exciting story about a fictional volcanic eruption, and answered questions to deepen our understanding. Our science lessons have focused on different types of rock and soil, linking this to our knowledge of the Earth's structure. We even conducted a soil investigation—collecting samples, mixing them with water, shaking, and observing how the different components settled. We concluded that the soil we gathered was mostly clay.