Online Learning
Remote Learning
At Kingstone and Thruxton Primary, our remote education offer revolves around the use of Microsoft Teams and Seesaw. Seesaw is a free learning platform, that parents can interact with and creates a page for each child. Each child has a page, which ‘holds’ activities, links, and videos for them to view; parents, children and teachers can comment and respond to the activities. We have received very positive feedback from our families using Seesaw – do let us know if you need any help getting on.
Our remote learning offer consists of these elements:
- Delivering a minimum of two live sessions per week to every year group: teachers broadcast lessons in which they can engage with the children and vice versa. This could be a session where the teacher shares their screen with pupils to go through an intervention, a circle time session to ‘check in’, a core lesson with PowerPoint / white board resources or a story time session. These live sessions are more than just a one-way stream, they’re a collaborative video call. Pupils can ask and answer questions, and can fully participate as though they were at school.
- Recorded lessons / access to online lessons: teachers pre-record lessons and upload to Seesaw in order to allow children to learn at their own pace. This is a combination of lessons from class teachers, and utilising resources such as the White Rose Maths, Oak Academy and BBC Learning sessions. Children are able to feedback to teachers about how they found the sessions, and join additional support as required.
- Delivery of intervention sessions: teachers and TAs set up sessions where they are available to take questions relating to the learning as ‘drop in’ sessions – much like our ‘flag group sessions’ when the children are in school, as well as targeted interventions for individuals or small groups.
- Set a range of independent tasks as assignments: throughout the week, in addition to live teaching and access to video lessons, additional tasks are set. These are a range of challenges, from science experiments, topic tasks and PE challenges. For children in the early years, teachers set activities that reflect the ‘learning through play’ approach of the early years curriculum.